Welcome to Team of SFI, Your Suggestions And Comments Are Most Welcome !!!Don't waste time calculating your chances of success and failure. Just fix your aim and begin.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tips & Strategies For Winning Pricebenders™ Auctions

Tips & Strategies For Winning Pricebenders™ Auctions
There seems to be no limit to the number of tips and strategies out there on the Internet about how to win penny auctions and spend the least number of bids to do it. Trouble is, there seems to be little consensus on many matters. Some “experts” recommend using auto-bid tools, others warn against them. Some stress intricate strategy and mathematical accuracy of bid timing and amounts. Others claim that winning is most simply a matter of bidding at the right time.

However, what most DO agree on is that preparing yourself and practicing a few, clear penny auction do's and don'ts could save you a lot of money AND increase your chances of winning. For preparation, read (and re-read if necessary) the “How It Works” article HERE. Then, before placing a bid for a Pricebenders™ auction item, be sure to familiarize yourself with these essential do's and don'ts:
Pricebenders™ Do's
DO...determine a bid budget and stick to it.

DO...watch the auction timer. If the counter almost reaches zero again and again before starting over, it means that there are probably not very many members bidding on that item...and that means your chances of winning are higher.

Monday, November 12, 2012


CSA MAILER enables you to quickly and easily send newsletters, training, tips, and other messages to your CSAs (co-sponsored affiliates).

Messages are sent to both the CSA's registered e-mail address AND to the CSA's "TeamMail" inbox at the SFI Affiliate Center.
And there's no need to worry about messages going to bad e-mail addresses or opted-out affiliates as these are automatically filtered out for you.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

How to make 1500VP easily

I copies this post from several weeks ago posted by Pratik: 
I am gonna show you how to make 1500VP easily and you can get all Benefits of EA

1)Always Log in to SFI and complete actions To-do list(not just for doing but Read Tips,PriceBander News, Teamtalk, etc to grow up your business)
This will give you 11VP per day ok so for total 30 days 
11 X 30 =330

2)Do weekly action at every week you will get 
30VP- send message(boost up your Down line) Genealogy 
5VP- For reviewing your TConnect page
3VP- For submitting a Stream post

total 30+3+5=38 for 1 week
so in month 38 X 4= 152VP

Saturday, October 20, 2012

SFI Rules Of Success (October 2012)

Welcome to our monthly newsletter covering the "rules of success" for SFI affiliates.  Each month, we cover one rule.

About SFI Rules Of Success:
Since 1998, nearly 12 million people worldwide have become SFI affiliates.  During this time, SFI and its affiliates have invested millions of dollars and millions of hours in trial and error.  What has emerged is a very clear picture of what does and what does not lead to success. We have distilled for you all of this into the SFI Rules Of Success.  If you want to SUCCEED in SFI, you must follow these rules. If you want to risk FAILURE, ignore them.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Success Tips

#1. Don't give up. I know progress may seem bleek in the beginning but stay focused be consistent and persistent. Your efforts directly reflect your productivity.

#2. Make sure you communicate with your downline as well as your upline. Give your downline support and try to answer questions they may have. If your sponsor seems invisible, don't let that hinder your success. Be a better sponsor to your affiliates.

#3. Stay plugged in. Login everyday if possible. Check your messages, and alerts. Check your progress on the scoreboard and your sales in the Tripleclicks store. Remember this is YOUR store. Treat it like a brick and mortar business...You gotta open up the door for business, check your messages, check on your store inventory, monitor what is selling and what isn't and train your team.V7ZWXR843QW3

Some important Steps to take

Here are Some steps very important to take:

Login to your account http://www.sfimg.com , with the ID( they give you) and password,
then start actions" and do each and every action on the homepage:

- Did you confirm your registration? For that you go to check the message they sent
to welcome you, and click on the link.

- Did you complete the "Getting started" section, and "the Launchpad actions"?
That's very important to grow your commissions!

Are You Willing to build your own business? Then do these things.

Are You Willing to build your own business? Then do these things.

1. Promote all your gateways in manual traffic exchanges and safelists each day.
2. Join Wave 3 to get free Tcredits each month to list your own stuff and bid on auctions.
3. If you own your own brick and mortar store or sell new products, become an EA and list things that aren't selling as well or feature products that are.
4. Do your launchpad quizzes for 15 VersaPoints each day.
5. Submit a stream post each day for your future affiliates to read.
Sign up for Triple Clicks and set up a standing order of 1500 VP or more.
6. Buy things you already use from your own Triple Clicks store. (like shampoo, bath wash, cleaning supplies, vitamins,) etc...
7. Keep your eyes open for new ways of earning as Gary introduces them.

How to run SFI Business

This is how to run SFI business effectively

1st option.

1. Always be at least 1,500VP before the end of each current month to be always in the income level.(its either you accomplish the to do lists with corresponding VP or earn more points by buying items at tripleclicks.com which will give you enough VP to be 1,500VP each month)eventuallY you will earn 2 CSA each month AS A GIFT FROM SFI.

To Be Successful in SFI

If you intend to have a successful SFI business, I recommend the following actions:

1. Log into your SFI website daily, carry out the recommendations on your To Do list, thus picking up 10 free vp's. Also enter the Daily Grand. In addition, send a message to your PSA's and CSa's, which will get you a further 30 vp p.week, and get a further 5 vp p.week by clicking on your TConnect page.

2. Place a standing order for at least 1500 vp., to ensure that you achieve Executive Affiliate every month. As a matter of interest, I have a combination of SBuilder and TCredits.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Quickly check a website

 Scamadviser.com is a FREE website allowing people to quickly check a website they are about to buy something from. Allowing online shoppers to find out those facts they really should know before using their credit cards. Be Safe !

some info... from Suzie

Keeping in touch & sharing some info... from Suzie

Dear all International team members,

Greetings, and hope eveyone have a great day!

Just to highlight, for newly signed up SFI Affiliates... the most important task in your first month in SFI is to spend some time daily to complete the actions step in the To-Do List as part of your training process. For additional explaination and guides on the To-Do List actions step, please refer to my blog
Complete the exclusive LaunchPad 30 training series. This will give you a good overview of SFI company, system, business activities & tips, TripleClicks & products, compensation plan, marketing tips/resources, and more. SFI have made it fun in learning and award free action VP(VersaPoints) for completing each action step. And a chance to achieve EA(Executive Affiliate) in your first month in SFI with accumulated minimum  score of 1500 to 2999 VP.  And if you're an enthusiastic and ambitious EA, keep moving and advance to TL(Team Leader) rank for bigger benefits.
More summarized information on TL at my blog:   ... scroll down to 'Team Leader(TL) Rank'.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

10 tips for marketing your business

Greetings to you all. I like to give you ideas to market your business:

1. You can make promotional pamphlets with your contact number and distribute it in houses, offices, etc. and also paste it on nearby bus stop, bank, garden, public places etc., so that people of the city can contact you to make more members. 

2. You can advertise on local newspapers/magazines to get more members according to your budget. 

3. You can also advertise on paid advertising sites like Google Adwords, Adbrite, Bidadvertiser etc. 

4. You can also find mobile numbers of local people in newspapers, business directories, search engines etc. and send free encouragement, your referral link to them using various free SMS sites on the web. 

5. You can find local friends on Orkut, Facebook, Hi5 etc. to make more members. 

6. You can also send joining messages using your REFFERAL LINK to relevant Indonesia communities, groups, Connextions present in Google, Orkut, Rediff, Yahoo, Indiatimes etc to get more members. 

7. You can also use chat like Yahoochat, Rediffchat, Googlechat, Iibibochat, etc. to make more members. Encourage your colleagues, relatives, friends, neighbors to join this program. 

8. Send free joining opportunity email to all contacts of your e-mail address using your REFFERAL LINK. 

9. Find e-mails in your city using 'e-mail,@, cityname' keywords in search engines like Yahoo, Google, MSN, etc. and then send e-mail of free joining opportunity using your REFFERAL LINK. 

10. You can also find emails of your local city people in various online/offline business directories, local newspapers, local magazines, etc.


Ideas for Sfi


Why refer TripleClicks members? Because the commissions you'll generate when they make purchases are big (up to 72% of CV). And for the work you do just once signing up a member, you can keep earning those big commissions for years to come. Get started referring members using the 26 methods outlined at: www.sfimg.com/Resources/Marketing/StandardReferralMethods.sfi.

If you haven't heard, TripleClicks is SFI's international superstore and one of the fastest growing e-commerce sites on the Web today! TripleClicks has more than 31,000 products and services to buy, sell, and trade--with hundreds of new items being added weekly. Check out TripleClicks at: http://www.tripleclicks.com/.

You can also plug into S-Builder Co-op for quick and easy member referrals. Check it out at: www.sfimg.com/PowerTools/SBuilder.sfi.

Cara Verifikasi Claim Token Technorati

Technorati merupakan sosial bookmark salah satu yang  penting untuk di ikuti oleh para Blogger, selain Alexa rank dan Google pagerank, Dengar – dengar Technorati rank juga merupakan syarat penting untuk mendaftarkan Blog sahabat pada situs Paid Review.
Oleh sebab itu saya mengajak sahabat untuk mendaftar di technorati seperti saya , walaupun saya masih benar – benar newbie. Toh gak salah kan kita mengmbangkan weblog kita,, setelah mendaftar dan menyelesaikan proses kelengkapan pengisian akun kita di technorati, maka kita akan mendapat email berupa kode verifikasi claim token unik seperti saya ini , ini kode  claim token saya V7ZWXR843QW3

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Tip-Trik SFI 2

Saya telah ditanya tentang cara terbaik bagi pemula untuk mendapatkan (VP) Poin Versa yang diperlukan untuk memperoleh status (EA) Eksekutif Affiliate. Baiklah berikut adalah informasi yang saya dapatkan (ditemukan di forum SFI) mengenai bagaimana Anda dapat  mengumpulkan sebanyak 1500 (PV) VersaPoints ...

Bukankah sebanyak 1500 VP poin harus diproduksi selama dalam 15 hari? Sebenarnya, tidak. Mari kita melakukan matematika:

Misalkan Anda baru saja bergabung di SFI. Dengan asumsi Anda telah mengkonfirmasi pendaftaran dan daftar putih plus alamat lengkap Anda di SFI (ini adalah dua langkah pertama yang dibutuhkan bahkan sebelum Anda dapat memasukkan SFI Affiliate Center), dengan demikian maka Anda sudah punya 400 poin untuk memulai.

Perhatikan ini cara yang paling mudah untuk Anda "mulai mendapatkan" VP poin, yaitu Anda dapat melakukan 13 tindakan sebagai berikut:

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Tip-Trik SFI

Selamat bergabung di TIM kami.
Saya ingin berbagi beberapa cara GRATIS untuk mendapatkan poin VP yang dibutuhkan untuk menjadi Pemimpin EA atau Tim. Banyak dari kita telah menggunakan poin untuk materi pelatihan, dll yang banyak Garner poin, NAMUN berikut adalah beberapa cara lain. 
1. Setiap hari Anda bisa memperoleh 10 VP dengan total 300 poin VP dalam satu bulan 30 hari hanya dengan melakukan hal sbb;
Klik >> pada tab "To-Do List" di homepage SFI Anda dan setelah meninjau informasi tentang itu, klik pada persegi panjang di bagian bawah "Saya telah memeriksa informasi ini" untuk menerima satu titik / poin 
Lakukan hal yang sama untuk tab "TIPS" "STREAM" tab, "TripleClicks" tab, "SCOREBOARD" tab, "A2A" tab, "MOVERS" tab, dan "GROWTH" tab untuk mendapatkan satu titik / poin. 
Klik >>pada " the latest items at TripleClicks " link dalam tab  "To-Do List"  untuk mendapatkan 2 poin setiap harinya.
Semua tindakan di atas berjumlah 10 poin Versa yang bisa Anda peroleh setiap hari dengan mudah, berarti Anda mendapatkan 300 poin Versa jika Anda melakukan ini setiap hari dalam tempo satu bulan (30 hari) 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Training-Basics SFI

1. Mulai mendapatkan uang dengan mengumpulkan VersaPoints
Salah satu alasan mengapa SFI begitu sukses adalah karena begitu mudahnya untuk memulai. Bahkan, Anda dapat segera mulai mendapatkan penghasilan dari TripleClicks Executive Pool ! hanya dengan mencetak VersaPoints untuk melakukan tindakan-tindakan sederhana yang membantu Anda menjadi sukses di SFI. Setiap kali Anda menyelesaikan tindakan di SFI Anda pada kolom To-Do List, Anda langsung mendapatkan poin yang melekat pada tindakan itu. Beberapa tindakan diantaranya ada yang bernilai 10 poin,  20 poin, ada juga yang bernilai 150 poin. Jadi, tujuan pertama Anda di SFI adalah untuk mendapatkan / mengkoleksi VersaPoints (VP) sebanyak-banyaknya sekemampuan anda setiap bulannya. usahakan Anda dapat memaksimalkan penghasilkan VP untuk mencapai skor dengan minimal hanya 1500 VP / bulan! maka semakin tinggi Anda mendapatkan VP  peringkat skor Anda semakin tinggi pula,  dan  Anda bisa mendapatkan VP tsb. diantaranya dari  Executive TripleClicks Pool. 
• Klik DI SINI  daftar lengkap menuju ke  To-Do List SFI Anda untuk  menghasilkan pointable /VP
Perhatikan:  bahwa dengan mendapatkan sedikitnya 10 VP setiap hari Anda berhak mendapatkan kualifikasi hadiah harian DAILY GRAND sebesar $ 1000 Pelajari lebih lanjut DISINI.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mengenai SFI

SFI (Strong Future International) Marketing Group yang diluncurkan pada tahun 1998. Di awali dengan hanya sebuah produk, dan  hanya dijual di area Amerika Serikat (US), SFI sekarang berkembang pesat menjadi multi produk dan jasa serta di jual lebih dari (Seratus sembilan puluh) 190 negara di seluruh dunia. SFI kini telah berkembang menjadi lebih dari 52.115 produk dan jasa (dan terus berkembang setiap hari). Keberadaan SFI adalah untuk memberikan kesempatan kepada siapapun (personal / bisnis) yang memiliki sebuah komputer dan akses internet  untuk bisa memasuki dunia revolusi e-commerce.
Siapapun, bisa bergabung di SFI (asal telah memenuhi syarat umur) di negara nya untuk bisa menjadi afiliasi SFI secara gratis. Cara Pendaftarannya adalah dengan mengisi formulir pendaftaran (online form) secara online, dan tidak ada kewajiban untuk bisa membeli apapun produk dari SFI.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

To Do-List

To build a successful SFI business, just take the actions

1. For points displaying an asterisk (*), you must click the green "V" located in the top right corner of the page to be awarded the points.
2. To reduce clutter, one-time actions are removed upon completion, but are recorded on your personal VersaPoints Ledger.


1. Start earning money by accumulating VersaPoints

One of the reasons why SFI is so successful is because it's so easy to get started. In fact, you can immediately begin earning income from the TripleClicks Executive Pool just by scoring VersaPoints for doing simple actions that help you become successful in SFI.
Each time you complete an action on your SFI To-Do List, you instantly earn the points attached to that action. Some actions are worth 10 points, some 20 points, some as much as 150 points.
So, your first objective in SFI is to earn as many VersaPoints as you can each month. The more VP you score, the higher your rank and the more you can earn from the TripleClicks Executive Pool. Receive a share of our big, companywide pool with a minimum of just 1500 VP a month!
